Knowledge Base Basics

Welcome to the Course

Let's start right here 🎉

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 1: What is a Knowledge Base?

What is a Knowledge Base and what types are there?

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 2: How Does a Knowledge Base Help?

Your Knowledge Base can help you in a bunch of ways. Let's check em' out!

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 3: Choosing the Right Knowledge Base Software

There are some questions you're gonna wanna ask yourself before you commit.

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 4: ​Growing With Your Knowledge Base 🌱

Like all good relationships you're going to want to grow together. Let's see how 👀

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 5: Creating a Great Customer Experience

Providing a great customer experience is a win-win! How can a Knowledge Base help?

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck

Lesson 6: Getting Your Knowledge Base Started

Alright! You're all ready to setup a Knowledge Base. Now what?

Updated 4 years ago by Kyrie Melnyck
